2017-2026 Distribution Development Plan

Published on: 16 December 2019

Executive Summary

This 14th edition contains a snapshot of the major information provided in the 2017- 2026 Distribution Development Plan submission of 144 distribution utilities (DUs). Primarily featured is the 10-year outlook on the demand and supply requirements of the DUs with breakdown of the contracted supply mix, showing the potential investment opportunities for generation companies. Also highlighted are the DUs annual average growth rate (AAGR) of peak demand over the 10-year planning horizon and the drivers of the projected load growth, as well as the five-yearplanned capital expenditure projects and financingrequirements to support these developments.

The 2017-2026 DDP also presents the actual DUs energy sales in 2016 and projections by 2026, including the corresponding percentage share per customer class namely: residential, commercial, industrial and other customer. It also shows the potential renewable energy resources in the DUs franchise area, in preparation for the Renew-able Portfolio Standards and Green Energy Option Program.

Another content of this DDP is a comparison of the estimated values for 2016 on the DUs number of customers, number of households, energy sales and system loss as submitted in their 2016-2025 DDP vis a vis the actual 2016 data as reflectedin the 2017-2026 DDP.

In 2016, the DUs registered a peak demand of 12,646 MW in 2016 and is projected to have 4.95% AAGR over the ten-year planning period with peak demand to reach 13,366 MW in 2017 to 20,503 MW in 2026. Likewise, DUs have sold a total of 61,604 GWh in 2016 and is forecasted to increase to 112,182 GWh by 2026 with an AAGR of 6.22% from its 2016 level. Breakdown of the electricity sales per sector are as follows: residential customer at 42%, commercial sector at 32%, industrial sector at 23%, and customers classifiedas Others account for 3%.

The DUs will be needing about PHP951.16 billion to implement the following infra-structure projects, including electrificationand network and non-network projects, to sustain the above projections while ensuring the reliability of the power supply: (i) 19,934 MVA additional substation capacity; (ii) 5,156 ckt-km for the expansion and rehabilitation of sub-transmission lines; and (iii) 39,944 ckt-km for the expansion and rehabilitation of distribution lines.

Click to view/download PDF file of 2017-2026 Distribution Development Plan
