Department Order

Department Order Description
Department Order No. DO2023-07-0021 Amendments to Internal Guidelines and Procedures for the Transfer of Existing Funds in Relation to the Financial Benefits under Energy Regulation No. 1-94 (ER 1-94)
Department Order No. DO2023-07-0020 Operationalization of the Strengthening of the Solar and Wind Energy Management Division in Accordance with Republic Act No. 9513 or the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 (RE ACT)
Department Order No. DO2023-06-0019 Reconstitution of the Department of Energy - Committee Sports, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs (CSRCA)
Department Order No. DO2023-06-0018 Creating the Performance Assessment and Audit Team for the Operations of the Transmission Network Provider and System Operator (PAAT-TNPSO) and Providing for Its Responsibilities
Department Order No. DO2023-06-0017 Authorizing the Department of Energy (DOE) Lawyers to Appear in Court Proceedings to Assist the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), Prosecutors, or Provide Legal Representation to the Department or Its Personnel
Department Order No. DO2023-05-0016 Reconstituting the Composition of the Personnel Administrative Disciplinary Investigation Committee (PADIC) Secretariat, Amending for the Purpose Department Order No. DO2021-09-0013
Department Order No. DO2023-05-0015 Enjoining the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) and Other Concerned Entities to Ensure Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Generating Facilities Utilizing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in Accordance with their Respective Mandates
Department Order No. DO2023-05-0014 Creation of the Department of Energy (DOE) Research Team for Energy Policy Research and Related Studies
Department Order No. DO2023-05-0013 Reconstitution of the National Government Technical Working Groups (NG-TWGs) for the Intergovernmental Energy Board (IEB)
Department Order No. DO2023-04-0012 Creation of the Special Bids and Awards Committee Pursuant to Sections 10 and 11 of Department Circular No. DC2022-05-0017
