Philippine Energy Plan 2023-2050


Under the leadership of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the government is boldly charting a course to a more dynamic and sustainable energy future that benefits communities, drives economic growth, and improves the well-being of Filipino people. Guided by this vision, the government’s top priority is to achieve inclusive and sustainable development propelled by modern and clean energy technologies. Driven by a commitment to sustainable progress, the Department of Energy (DOE) stands with the nation at the forefront of this transformative journey, carrying out strategic plans and programs that support equitable growth, prioritize energy security, and facilitate the transition to clean energy sources.

At the core of this energy development agenda are aggressive targets for RE deployment, higher energy efficiency goals, and the promotion of diverse energy technologies and solutions. The establishment of a resilient and climate-proof energy infrastructure is also deemed essential to safeguarding the nation’s energy security and resilience in the face of evolving environmental challenges. These components constitute integral parts of a comprehensive strategy toward clean energy while ensuring the security and reliability of energy supply.

Energy frameworks will be transformed in line with the global energy transition as nations increasingly recognize the importance of shifting towards cleaner, more resilient, and sustainable energy systems. Aligning itself with this shift, the Philippines has already proactively engaged in strategic endeavors aimed at contributing to and advancing a low-carbon energy future. Capitalizing on its vast renewable energy (RE) resources such as biomass, solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, and ocean energy, the country embarks on various initiatives to further explore and accelerate the development and increase the utilization of these clean and indigenous energy sources. Moreover, the country prioritizes the active promotion of energy efficiency to optimize energy use and encourage sustainable practices across various sectors, complementing its efforts in promoting RE adoption and enhancing overall energy sustainability.

Along with policy and regulatory reforms, investment opportunities and incentives will also be expanded to foster an environment conducive to greater private sector investments in the promotion and integration of renewables, including the adoption of alternative fuels and emerging energy technologies. Concurrently, equal emphasis will be placed on the expansion and modernization of power infrastructure, particularly on transmission network upgrades, to accommodate the integration of renewables and ensure a stable and resilient energy supply.

The government will intensify its effort to facilitate energy transition through policy reinforcement, investment facilitation, technological innovation, and infrastructure development.

Click to view/download Philippine Energy Plan 2023-2050

PEP 2023-2050 (Volume I)
PEP 2023-2050 (Volume II)
PEP 2023-2050 (Volume III)