The DOE-VFO has established the following Quality Objectives in accordance with the Quality Policy and relevant functions and processes of the Office:

  1. To achieve and accomplish the defined work targets under the DOE-VFO work program.
  2. To deliver quality service within the prescribed processing time as mandated in R.A. 11032 also known as the “Ease of Doing Business Act” and as reflected in the Citizen’s Charter.
  3. To ensure consumer protection thru quality products and services that complies with the requirements of regulations, safety practices, and standards.
  4. To achieve above the “satisfactory” customer satisfaction rating.
  5. Improve staff competency through yearly assessment and updating of their training needs and participation in professional skills and personality development programs at least twice a year.


We, at the Department of Energy – Visayas Field Office are committed to perform our mandate to meet the requirements of the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 by implementing energy policies, plans and programs in the Visayas Region.

The Visayas Field Office endeavors for a proactive utilization of resources to optimize delivery of services, ensures competence of our personnel through continued professional development and aim for continual improvement of our systems and processes to attain the expectations of the general public and meet customer satisfaction.